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Smell Something? 7 Ways to Oust Odors

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(RE/MAX Blog)- Whether you have an impending open house or are simply trying to freshen up your home, try these suggestions for getting rid of odors from seven commonly smelly items.

1. Trash cans

After rinsing out a stinky garbage can with soap and water, stash a few scented laundry dryer sheets at the bottom to absorb odor.

2. Freezers

An old (clean) sock stuffed with coffee grounds can absorb the musty smell in your freezer. Coffee socks can also help de-mustify stale closets. Tie one to a hanger.

3. Litter Box

Extremely porous activated charcoal is a big-time odor absorber. Pet stores sell versions made especially for pet odors. Keep it near the litter box.

4. Carpet

When your carpet smells icky, try sprinkling baking soda. Let it sit for half an hour, then vacuum it up.

5. Dishwasher

Who wants to use a dishwasher that never smells quite clean? Pour white vinegar into a dishwasher safe cup and stick it in the top rack. Run the machine through its cycle. Though your kitchen will smell like vinegar for a bit, the inside of your dishwasher will soon be odor-free.

6. Basement

If a dehumidifier doesn't help, try adding a dozen drops of tea tree oil to a spray bottle of water and blasting the basement with this natural fungicide.

7. Refrigerator

Clear out smell by wiping down the wall with hydrogen peroxide.

Making sure your home smells fresh is just one of the critical things to do before an open house. Contact one of our office locations to learn more about how we can help you sell your home. 

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