(RE/MAX Blog)- Halloween decorations can be a fantastic way to express your creativity, but don't forget common sense. A few reminders to keep the peace with neighbors:
1. Decorations can be scary for kids
Remember, on Halloween night and during the weeks leading up to the fun, young children will see your decorations. Skip the carnivorous bunny rabbits and too-realistic skeletons.
2. Be mindful with volume (and song selection)
Be respectful if you play scary music on Halloween night or use display motion-activated decorations with soundtracks. Trick-or-treaters in the next county do not need to hear “Monster Mash" on repeat. And your neighbors certainly don't want to hear it past midnight, at the latest.
3. Check the HOA policy on Halloween decorations
Before you invest in constructing the best zombie apocalypse your neighborhood has ever witnessed, make sure your HOA doesn't have any restrictions around decorations, lights or sound effects.
4. Choose family-friendly themes
Have fun but don't offend the neighbors. Avoid things like fake tombstones with real politicians' names or decorations featuring religious icons.
5. The witching hour ends at midnight
Please try to take down Halloween decorations shortly after the holiday. Don't despair, it will soon be time for winter holidays.
Start your search today for a home with a porch that's perfect for trick-or-treaters.